January 3, 2016
Talk about crazy things that happen to everyday people...I had gone to a local Department store last week to pick up some things for the coming New Year's Eve Celebration for my better half and I.
As I got out of my car, I looked up the aisle and saw two cars standing one on each side of a parking spot, waiting for the lady to back out and leave the spot open.
Well.....this lady tried to back her van out of her parking spot and she had to stop and pull back into the parking spot at least 3 times. And then must have thought that the 4th time is a charm, because she pulled halfway out and proceeded to smash into the car on her left, stopped and pulled ahead and then tried again to back out and again and completely and exactly backed out like before and again, turned too far to the right and appeared to floor it. And once again she hit the car on the left. Once again she pulled forward and gave it the old College try and finally got past the car on the left that had taken quite a beating.
BUT, in trying to turn the wheel to straighten out her car to drive in a path where no cars were present, she hit yet another vehicle which was a Fedex van and she stopped and then backed up and turned the wheel and was able to drive away with only "brushing" the van out of her way.
I pulled out a piece of paper and began writing down her car's license and I was stopped by a gentleman who also saw the whole thing and was calling the police with the information on all the cars. Several people who watched in horror as this played out gave their names and numbers as witnesses and went on their way, and the gentleman with the police call stayed until the police arrived.
I didn't have a good look at the lady driving (rather "trying") to drive the van, but wondered what could have possessed her to continue to hit the cars as she was trying to exit.
All I know is that sometimes when a car is waiting for you to exit, you can try to be quick about getting out of the space because you are nervous and someone is watching and waiting. Or maybe she was elderly and having judgement issues of the distance. I have no idea, but I do know that by the time she did drive away, she should have known to stop and at least leave a note on each car that was hit. And maybe she did, but I saw her van leave the parking lot.
This was not a funny story, but more on the absolutely incredible side of the
people watcher's game.
I have to wonder what the car owners came out and felt when viewing the damage to their cars. But at least they will know what happened as the police were there when I left.
Well, a Merry Christmas to all of them and remember to check out your car as you leave a busy parking lot...you never really know!
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