
Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Blood Moon (October 8th, 2014)

      I was checking out the Blood Moon this morning and I thought it was great and tried to take some pictures and I was standing between two cars in the parking lot of my building, and this guy comes up behind me and tells me to step away from his car.  I told him that I was watching the Lunar Eclipse, and trying to get some pictures of it. He said he didn't care and said to just step away from his car. So, as I was "stepping away" I asked him if he saw the moon. He grumbled "Why....." and I told him there was a lunar Eclipse going on. He said, "A What?? What is that?" and then he waved his hand as a dismissal and went to unlock his car (the whole time looking at his car for something, and I figured he was trying to see if his car was scratched).. So, before he got into his car, I tried once more to tell him about the eclipse and he said, "Look....I don't have time for this...just stay away from my car." And then he drove away.
      Shortly afterwards two young High Schoolers came out to wait for the school bus. They both nodded (w/sullen faces reflecting their dismay at the early hour of the day) at me as I said "Good Morning" to them. And I thought I would try again...... I told them the moon was in the last stages of a lunar Eclipse, and......... That is all I got out and they both smiled real big smiles and asked me to show them where and did I get any pictures, and stuff. It was so neat! As they were looking at the moon and its last transitional stage, I felt good. These two kids were so excited about the moon, while the "Adult" I spoke to earlier was far more interested in his car.
      I would like to say that this incident was a good example of teens vs. adults and how this shows that the world is/will be saved because of the up and coming generation...... But... Actually, I think it was just a busy man who may have just purchased a new car and there was this old lady standing too close for his comfort level to his car....and the kids, while showing excitement about the eclipse, quickly got onto the school bus and rode away. They both had someplace to go to.
      What it probably shows is that people are busy... busy doing their "Things"/going to their "Places"/Thinking about their "Stuff....etc..."
BUT.....I saw the Blood Moon and took some pictures that show a tiny dot in the sky and that will be my wonderful memories of this Blood Moon morning. 

It was beautiful....

     As you go through your day, today, remember take in the whole picture, because the little things that you can miss can make a difference in your day. 
     There you have first Blog!  Stay as long as you like and I hope to be adding more in days to come!

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